Phnom Penh
Our jewelry pieces
are manufactured
by the boys and
girls rescued from the streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The creation of ‘‘EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE’’ aimed at promoting the development, in particular, of the handicraft sector, through the optimal organization of the whole production cycle, right from the transformation of silver and brass into jewelry until the marketing of the finished products.
We all have an initiative in celebrant an organization in order to contribute to the process of poor family's economic development and promote the formation of a specific specialist skill jewelry making labor force which will then be able to stimulate the locale and foreign markets.
We also desire to preserve the dignity of the individual and can commitment help grow out of difficult living conditions by themselves.
For those reason our organization called EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE
Our targets and objectives as following:
Provide knowledge jewelers making, laboratory, for Khmer people.
Rescue and Develop Youth.
Parents died of AIDS.
Risk by sexual and labor exploitation.
These kinds of youth will be helped until they can help themselves.
Promoting and Pursuing Solidarity in the following sectors:
Creation of social solidarity, schooling and educational, vocational training and professional facilities.
Creation of Financial Support and Work Opportunity.
Found rising for education, schooling, vocational training and emancipation of poor people from their condition.
Participation in alternatives forms of economy inspired by the principles of ethic finance, fair trade and consumption, community economy, ethic enterprise, microcredit, tithes collection, and so on.
The primary objective is the realization of a developmental program in the “silverware” sector within the context of the overall economic development of the country, with special reference to craftsmanship as well as the small and medium enterprise business line.
All this would be visible by acknowledging the high value of the local resources including the local traditions, the silk and the precious stones, with the consequent development of the related productive sectors.